May 6
Exploration: Deep Dive into Sheep Breeds
May 6: 2:30pm - 4:30pm
Gathering Threads Festival, Expo Centre 7515 118 Ave, Edmonton, AB
Did you know that there are more than 200 breeds of sheep? Although we all love merino it isn’t the best fibre to use in all circumstances. There are so many other sheep breeds to explore and learn how to use and when to use them. Although we don’t have time to explore all 200 breeds, in this two hour class we will look at the wool from ten different sheep breeds. For each breed we will look at the physical characteristics of its wool, the history of the breed, appropriate end uses and ways to spin the fibre to bring out its best qualities.
Although we will focus on spinning, this class is also suitable for felters who would like to learn more about the wool from different breeds of sheep and for yarn uses who would like to understand about yarns made from alternative fibres that you can use for your projects.
This class is suitable for beginner to intermediate spinners. Although we will focus on spinning, this class is also suitable for felters who would like to learn more about the wool from different breeds of sheep and for yarn uses who would like to understand about yarns made from alternative wools that you can use for your projects.
For the spinning exercises, you must be able to spin a continuous single using a worsted style draw on a spinning wheel/e-spinner or a continuous single using your hand-spindle.
During the spinning exercises, felters can experiment with making small felted pieces with the unspun fibre.
For others, the exercises will be a time for you to observe these fibres in action and see and feel the yarn and felt that can be make from them.
Tools and Supplies You Need to Bring
For spinners, a working spinning wheel, either people powered or an e-spinner or a hand-spindle
- For needle felters, please bring the materials that you would typically use to felt unspun fibre. eg needles, felting pad, etc.